Announcement Regarding COVID-19
Due to the pandemic resulting from the rapid transmission of the COVID -19 virus, and the directives of the governor, our office will be closed until such time as we are permitted to reopen.
If you are a current client, please be assured that your pending matter is protected and will not be adversely affected as a result of this crisis. The courts have adjourned or stayed all pending matters until such time as it is safe to resume normal functions. Our attorneys and staff are working remotely and, to the extent possible, taking all steps to continue moving cases forward.
During this unprecedented pandemic, the courts and counsel are working on initiatives that will allow us to advance our clients' matters while avoiding the risk of close physical contact consistent with minimizing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. For the time being, the best way to communicate is by email or fax. E-mail our office manager Maria at Our fax is 212-962-1199. Thank you for understanding and please stay safe. We look forward to hearing from you.